What is direct trade coffee?
Paying a price that values the producers input creates a sustainable partnership. We purchase our coffee using the direct trade model.

Why we do it
Modern Standard Coffee has long been committed to farmers who are dedicated to coffee cultivation and practice their craft with dedication, skill, and passion.
We work with and offer our support to these farmers in order to provide our customers with only the highest-quality coffee.
Simultaneously, our support enables these farmers to invest in infrastructure and social programs in their communities.

Our direct trade criteria
Coffee quality must be exceptional. All decisions flow from the quality of coffee in the cup.
The verifiable price paid to the farmer or local co-op—not the exporter—must exceed the C-Market price and/or Fair Trade price by a minimum of 25% for any coffee scoring above 82 on the cupping table.
The farmer must be committed to sustainable-quality coffee, healthy environmental practices, and responsible community practices.
We must visit the farm or cooperative at least once per harvest season. We may visit two or three times per year: pre-harvest to craft strategy, during the harvest to monitor quality, and post-harvest to review and celebrate successes.